Recharging employees

Beyond the regulatory constraints and the minimum number of charging points to be installed in your company car parks, the electrification of the vehicle fleet is a reality. So, whether for your fleet or for your employees, recharging at the workplace is a growing demand. But recharging at the workplace is often linked to long parking times, which hampers the efficiency of the work and costs involved in installing the right number of charging points. To deal with this complexity, you’re looking for the solution that’s easiest to install, operate and evolve over time.

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Your issues
Complying with regulations
In addition to imposing an increasing proportion of low-emission vehicles in your fleet, the LOM law requires you to equip 5% of your parking spaces with a recharging solution, and to pre-equip a further 15%.
Simplify and speed up installation
You want to avoid the pitfalls of earthwork, delays and costs associated with connecting to the power grid.
Evolve the EVSE in line with your needs
The electrification of the vehicle fleet is an ongoing process. Oversizing the EVSE today is not an option. Nevertheless, we need to prepare for the future.
Simple solution administration
Supervision, identification and access control, payment methods and billing. The administration of your recharging service should be child’s play.
Your challenges
Offer your employees a high-performance recharging solution
Simply install your EVSE
Upgrade your EVSE to keep pace with your vehicle fleet
And if you move?
Manage access for different user types
Optimizing energy consumption
Offer your employees a high-performance recharging solution

How do you define the performance of a workplace charging station, if not by satisfying the employee’s needs?
The aim is to supply the amount of energy needed for the employee’s daily commute for the duration of the parking time. And this can be anything from a few hours to a whole day.

In a company parking lot, the charging station will deliver small doses of energy over long parking periods. The complexity then lies in prioritizing the most urgent sessions, and ensuring the availability of charging points for all those wishing to recharge.
Charge points that are not monopolized, and uninterrupted service.

Simply install your EVSE

The electrification of a parking lot represents a substantial budget, and one that varies greatly from one building to the next. Indeed, in terms of costs and deadlines, the specific features of each building have a major impact on charging point installation projects.

Limiting the need for external works and electrical engineering is the only way to keep these costs and timescales under control.
Thanks to battery storage, grid connection can be limited to a single cable, whatever the size or age of the building. And with no earthworks required, construction work is kept to an absolute minimum.
And with no work required, on-site installation time is unbeatable: less than a week for a functional, efficient EVSE.

Upgrade your EVSE to keep pace with your vehicle fleet

With each new charging point, your network becomes progressively saturated. And for the next chargepoints you wish to install, the work required and the associated costs will always be higher.
So it’s essential to optimize your infrastructure, as soon as you’ve installed your first charge points.

You need to meet the requirements of the LOM law and your current needs, without compromising your ability to respond to future developments.

You’re looking for a simple, scalable solution that will enable you to size the electrification of your parking lot as accurately as possible today, while still being able to increase capacity when your fleet and employees demand it.

And if you move?

You rent your site, and don’t want to invest in a solution that you’ll have to leave behind when you move.

Whether this move is already planned or simply possible in the near future, it cannot be a sufficient reason to postpone the installation of charge points in your parking lot. Your employees, whether for their company or personal vehicles, need to recharge.

With an EVSE designed for above-ground installation, you can meet these recharging needs right now, before you move, with your solution.

Manage access for different user types

In addition to enabling you to see at all times that your recharging solution is working properly, supervision and administration tools must enable you to manage your service as you see fit.

Who can access the service? Everyone, including visitors, all employees, company vehicles only,…
What are the identification and access procedures for these different users? Mobility badges, employee cards, etc.
Pricing and monetization of the recharge service? With which payment methods? Integration with accounting and HR tools?

These are just some of the questions that your administration tool should enable you to address.

Optimizing energy consumption

Reconciling the environmental objectives of your CSR approach and regulations, with the increase in energy consumption linked to the advent of electric vehicles, is proving to be a complex equation.

What if this new electric mobility became an opportunity to achieve your objectives?
Store energy when it’s available, during off-peak hours or when your building produces more energy than it consumes, and make it available to your electric vehicles through your own EVSE.

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Tell us about your project and get a tailor-made answer.

Every parking lot is different. Every customer has his or her own recharging needs.

That’s why our solutions are modular and scalable, so that your recharging infrastructure is always perfectly suited to your needs and those of your employees.

Your project
Our solutions
The power cube
The autonomous charging robot
ME Services
Supervision & Maintenance
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