The boom in electric vehicles means that public car parks need to provide recharging solutions to meet the growing demand from visitors and customers.

The 2KM3 public car park in Saint-Gervais, a hub for contemporary art, is faced with this need for electrification.

Thanks to Eiko , this technically challenging car park is now able to recharge its vehicles.


The challenges of recharging public car parks: the case of Saint-Gervais

Installing terminals despite limited power

The amount of time people spend parked in a public or private car park is a factor that is often overlooked when choosing a recharging solution. For parking periods of several hours, a slow recharge perfectly meets the daily needs of users.

With a low-power connection (11 kW) and thanks to Eiko’s integrated second-life battery (50 kWh of storage), 9 charge points are supplied to satisfy users, offering an economical and efficient solution.

Opt for an interoperable solution that facilitates payment

Public car parks need to make recharging accessible to everyone. The Eiko solution is interoperable: it can be seen remotely by motorists on the various applications they usually use to recharge. It allows users to pay using their usual recharging card: these are badges from mobility operators (Chargemap, Total, Shell, Izivia, etc.).

Thanks to the electronic payment terminal (TPE), occasional users of the service can also simply pay by bank card.

Your customized project

Every parking lot is different.

Every customer has his or her own recharging needs.

That’s why our solutions are modular and scalable, so that your recharging infrastructure is perfectly suited to your needs at all times.